With the help of gomori aldehyde fuchsine stain, we can find three kinds cells in pancreas islet . there are yellow granules in a cell, purplish red granules in b cell and green or light gray granules in d cell 用gomori醛复红特殊染色法,见尼罗罗非鱼胰岛有三种细胞:a细胞胞质中有黄色颗粒;b细胞胞质中有紫红色的颗粒;d细胞胞质内有浅绿色或淡灰色的颗粒。
Secretic granules in b cell are fairly big, cores are various . there is fairly big gap between the core and the limiting membrane; the center of secretic granules in a cell exist compact core and there is no gap between the core and the limiting membrane; secretic granules in d cell are too much, electron density of granules is lower, and there is no gap between the core and the limiting membrane, what's more, fairly big chondriosome can be seen in the cell b细胞的分泌颗王晓丽尼罗罗非鱼胰岛显微和亚显微结构的研究13粒较大,芯的形态多样,电子密度差异大,芯与界膜之间常有较大的空隙;a细胞分泌颗粒形态不规则,芯的大小不等,界膜与芯之间无空隙;d细胞分泌颗粒较多,芯的电子密度较低,界膜与芯之间无空隙,此外,胞质内可见较大的线粒体。